COVID Pandemic: Treatments, Vaccinations, and Herd Immunity


The number of cases for COVID-19 is rising across the world. Several countries are witnessing a sharp rise in patients who developed serious complications. The rate of mortality is also increasing at an alarming rate causing huge concerns.

Currently, there are no medications recommended for the treatment of COVID-19. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections like COVID-19 and researchers are already testing a variety of treatments.

The FDA had granted the emergency use authorization for antiviral drugs like remdesivir to treat patients with COVID-19. Healthcare authorities have also recommended treatment with the corticosteroid dexamethasone for patients with severe COVID-19 who require mechanical ventilation or supplemental oxygen.

The FDA has also granted the emergency use authorization for the convalescent plasma therapy for the management of this infection. Convalescent plasma refers to the blood donated by patients who have recovered from COVID-19. 

Supportive care forms an integral part of the management of this infection. It is aimed at relieving the symptoms and includes:

  • Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen

  • Cough medications or syrup 

  • Adequate fluid intake

  • Rest

If the patient has mild symptoms, the doctor may recommend home care with isolation. The patient would be given special instructions to monitor their symptoms and avoid the spread of infections to others. 

While the healthcare practitioners including physicians and nurses are trying to cope with the challenges in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have also been efforts being made by researchers to find vaccinations for the same. 

Researchers are also exploring and testing new interventions, treatments, and tests as a way to detect, prevent, or manage this illness.

However, it is imperative for nurses and physicians to keep themselves updated about the latest guidelines recommended by the WHO and other healthcare authorities. 

You can join our ‘2 NURSING CONTACT HOUR LIVE WEBINAR ON INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND COVID19 PANDEMIC TREATMENT OPTIONS’ on 11th November from 6 pm to 8 pm to learn about the management of COVID-19. 

The Nursing Webinars 2020 is focused on educating nurses and other healthcare practitioners about the prevention, and treatment of COVID-19 and other respiratory disorders. We will discuss the mode of transmission of COVID-19 and how to prevent it. We will also discuss the role of vaccinations, and herd immunity in containing this pandemic.

You will get an opportunity to ask questions to our panel of expert physicians. Join the webinar to learn more about why and how to control the gates of COVID-19 transmission in order to limit the adverse implications of this pandemic.  


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